
Welcome to my blog! Relationships. Career. Friendship. Self-Love. Mindset. These are my thoughts and experiences. This is the advice I would give my younger self. This is a place to share, reflect, and remind yourself that life is full of opportunities!

The 2020s Challenge

We’ve watched some fireworks and drank the champagne. 2020 is here! A new decade awaits and it’s impossible to predict what lies ahead. Here are 10 suggestions to practice in the new decade that will allow you to shape a life that will feel purposeful and fulfilling. Happy New Year and I’m excited to see what’s to come!

  1. Value Yourself - It’s time to understand your value and be an advocate for yourself. From relationships to the workplace, you bring something special to the table and its time to own that unapologetically. We’re taught to be humble, but sometimes, it’s important to use your voice and tell the world how special you are. When you know your value, you won't remain in places, or around people, that don’t appreciate you. Choose wisely with who you share your gifts and always go where you are celebrated.

  2. Value Your Health - Your health, both physical and mental, mean everything because they impact your entire life. When you are not feeling right, it’s tough to focus on the world around you. While you can’t control if or when you get sick, you can be proactive in prioritizing your health every day. Get active by finding an activity you enjoy and incorporate it into your daily/weekly routine. Get your body moving and enjoy that feeling of getting stronger every day. Practice eating and cooking clean, healthy meals. Pay attention to how your body feels when you eat certain foods. Do you feel clear-minded and light? Eat more of that! Don’t forget you can still treat yourself to those guilty-pleasure foods from time to time.

  3. Have Fun! - It’s so easy to get caught up in what we should be doing and push aside what we want to be doing. Take that class, write that book, watch that stupid movie that makes you laugh until you cry. The world can be scary and unapologetically cruel, so take some time for yourself and add some joy to your journey. The time will pass regardless of how you’re spending it, you might as well take some time out to enjoy yourself!

  4. Learn Something New - The great thing about knowledge, is that once it’s acquired, it can’t be taken away. Learning new skills and information also opens up your world to new possibilities and experiences. If you decide to learn a new language, even as a beginner, you start to learn about a new culture…from traditions, to literature and movies, art and music, even food. One act of learning can be a a key that unlocks new passions that can alter the course of your life. 

  5. Connect, or Reconnect, with Loved Ones - As we get older, we tend to accept that in time, people will fade away and we will lose friends and family to the stressors of life. We all have jobs, maybe families of our own, bills to pay, and we simply don’t have time to chat with old friends. Maybe we put it off, say we’ll call them tomorrow or we’ll plan to grab dinner next month. Putting things off until later is an easy way to ensure that they will never get done. Maybe you’ve had a falling out with someone you were once close too, and as time passed, clearing the air feels too uncomfortable or unnecessary. Make like Nike, and just do it! Send that text, make that friend request, or even give them a call (gasp)! How does it feel when an old friend reaches out to you out of the blue? Pretty good. Don’t let living people slip away with the passing of time. Even if it’s just one more conversation, you will not regret taking the time to connect with someone that holds a piece of your heart. 

  6. Face a Fear - There is something to be said for looking fear straight in the eye and pushing past it. It’s invigorating. it’s powerful. Embrace the adrenaline rush and the uncertainty, and be brave. What’s on the other side of fear? Take a chance and find out!

  7. Choose Love - Love is a four letter word; it’s complex and holds a lot of weight. Let’s simplify it. Love, at its core, is acceptance, respect and appreciation. Love is not control, it is not restrictive and it’s not a battlefield (good song though). Choose to accept people for who they are, respect them, and appreciate that they are sharing their time, their life, with you. Walk away from unhealthy bonds; from those that make your feel bad about yourself. Loving someone, or something, should bring joy, even if at times, it can be bittersweet. Above all, learn to love yourself. Ditch the self-depreciative jokes and stand tall. You deserve the same kindness, respect and appreciation that you use to shower others. It’s time to ask for that love and accept nothing less. 

  8. Leave work at work - We live in a connected world, which is nice, but it also demands that we set clear boundaries on when and where we will be responsive to incoming information. Just because you can access your work emails at anytime, it does not mean that you should. Prioritize your personal life and unplug from work when you are off the clock. Slay the work day then log off and enjoy your personal time. The work will always be there!

  9. Revisit your passion - Do you remember that thing that you used to love to do? The one that made you feel alive and inspired? You can’t even remember why you stopped, can you? Well, it’s time to pick up where you left off and start again. You don’t need to turn it into a side gig, or an alternate stream of income (unless you want to)…do it for yourself. 

  10. Say “No” More Often - Why do we say “yes” to things that we want to say “no” to? Of course, there are circumstances where we have to do things that we would rather not, but for everything else, speak your truth. Choose how to spend your time and say “no” more often. The choices that you make on a daily basis become the life that you live. Put peer pressure and appearances aside and make decisions that you want to make, because you’re the person who will deal with the consequences. Don’t feel obligated to live someone else’s life or choose their preferences. 

The Future of Work in the Post-Covid World

The Future of Work in the Post-Covid World

Finishing the Year (Decade!) Strong