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5 Ways to Maintain Lifelong Friendships

5 Ways to Maintain Lifelong Friendships

“Friends are the family we choose for ourselves”

Friendship is one of the most important things in life. Friends provide us with companionship, support, and laughter. They’re your travel buddies, the sounding board when you need advice, or maybe even, your partners-in-crime on those nights out that you don’t fully remember! 

Think back at your best memories in life, and you’ll likely see your best friends standing by your side. They make us feel loved and accepted. They see things in us that we can’t see in ourselves. Good friends are essential to personal growth and mental health. They make us feel seen, understood, and of course, loved…even in moments when we feel unlovable.

Friends can come into your life unexpectedly, and once they’re there, it can be tough to imagine life without them. They see you at your best, and at your worst. They cheer for you when life is going your way, and maybe offer a shoulder to cry on, when you’re going through a rough patch.

As we get older, it can be more difficult to maintain friendships. This is because as life changes, and we gain more responsibilities, we often have less time and energy to devote to our social lives. In addition, our priorities may change as we get older and mature, and we may find that we have less in common with our friends from our younger years. 

One of the great challenges of friendship is personal growth, because if you grow in opposite directions or at different speeds, you may eventually feel that you have little in common. However, it is important to make an effort to maintain our friendships, as they can play a vital role in our health and happiness. It can be hard work, but if you can weather the storm and maintain friendships along the different stages in your life, you’ll reap the benefits. 

Why is it important to maintain friendships as we get older?

There are many reasons why it is important to maintain friendships as we get older. First, friends provide us with social support and keep us engaged within our communities. Coming out of the pandemic years, we can clearly see how social support is important for our mental and physical health. It can help us to cope with stress, depression, and anxiety. It’s also been said that strong social connections can help us live longer. 

Second, good friends make us feel good about ourselves. They offer us positive feedback and encouragement. When we are feeling down, they make us laugh and help us to see the bright side of life. It’s impossible to ignore the good vibes and positive energy that comes with spending time with close friends. They remind you who you are at your core, and how much you have to offer the world. And of course, you reciprocate that energy back. The sign of a good friendship is when everyone leaves the interaction feeling uplifted, seen, and supported. 

Third, friends help us to stay connected to our community. Friends are key to a healthy social network. They help us expand our lives by introducing us to new people and new ideas. Good friends will support your continuous growth, and can help you stay active and involved in your community. 

How can we maintain friendships as we get older?

There are a number of things that we can do to maintain our friendships as we get older. First, we need to make an effort to stay in touch with our friends. This means reaching out to them regularly, whether it is by phone, email, or social media. We should also make an effort to see them in person, even if it is just for coffee or lunch. Remember that to maintain a friendship, the effort needs to flow both ways. True friends will reciprocate efforts, so if you find yourself in the position where you are doing all the initiating, it may be time to re-evaluate that relationship. On the other hand, if you realize that you are the more passive friend, you should make an effort to step up and take on the initiator role more often.  

Second, we need to be flexible with our schedules. As we get older, we may have less time to devote to our social lives. However, it is important to make time for our friends, even if it is just once a month. As we get older, the quality of time spent together is key. So if you can’t get together often, at least you can make the most of the time that you have! A little tip: put your phone away, be present, be engaging, and live in the moment. 

Third, we need to be understanding of our friends' changing needs and priorities. As we get older, our friends may have different interests and priorities than we do. We need to be understanding of this and make an effort to accommodate their needs. As a good friend, you need to constantly upgrade the image and perception that you hold of your friend, so it aligns to the person they are today. It can be fun to reminisce about the past, but you can’t live there. For example, if your former party friend no longer drinks alcohol, don’t suggest going out to catch up over cocktails.

Fourth, we need to be forgiving. Everyone makes mistakes. If our friend says or does something that hurts us, we need to be willing to forgive them. Of course, there will be some instances where the best option is to move on and leave the friendship in the past. Even when this happens, it’s best to forgive and wish your friend well from a distance. No good comes from harboring grudges and holding on to anger.

Fifth, we need to be supportive. An unfortunate truth is life is difficult. We will all face challenges beyond our expectations and we will all need support to help us get through to the other side. Our friends need us to be there for them when they are going through tough times. We should offer our friends support and encouragement. Even if you don’t have the perfect words or solution, you should reach out and let your friend know that you care about them. Remember, even if you cannot relate to their struggles, never minimize or write off your friend’s concerns. As a supportive friend, you don’t need to be perfect, but you need to show up, and act in their best interest. At the end of the day, nobody forgets who was there to support them in their time of need.


Maintaining friendships as we get older can be challenging, but it is important and rewarding. Friends provide us with social support, make us feel good about ourselves, and help us to stay connected to our community. By making an effort to stay in touch with our friends, being flexible with our schedules, being understanding of our friends' changing needs and priorities, being forgiving, and being supportive, we can maintain our friendships for a lifetime.

Additional tips for maintaining friendships as we get older:

  • Make an effort to meet new people. This can be done by joining clubs, taking classes, or volunteering.

  • Be open to new experiences. This can help you to find new things to talk about with your friends.

  • Be a good listener. This shows your friends that you care about them and what they have to say.

  • Be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not just to please your friends.

Remember, friendship is a two-way street. If you want to have good friends, you need to be a good friend yourself.

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