All tagged new normal

Living Your Best Post-Pandemic Life

Can you see it? There seems to be a light at the end of the pandemic tunnel and new opportunities lie ahead. There is a mix of excitement and anxiety in the air. Some of us might be getting back to the office soon, or taking a trip to see family and friends that we’ve been missing. Others might need some extra time to feel comfortable socializing in large groups again, after all, we’ve been mostly staying within our personal bubbles for over a year. Masked or unmasked (and vaccinated), choose the option that makes you feel the most comfortable.

Planning for the Future During Uncertain Times

This year, March is starting to feel a little more daunting than usual. We’ve been living under pandemic conditions for a year now, and while a light is starting to peek through at the end of the tunnel, for some, it feels like we’re running in place. And by some here, I’m raising my own hand.